In February we’re all rainbow colours in the library as we mark the importance of LGBT History month. We have a special display of both fiction and non-fiction books to highlight both historical and current topics in LGBT communities. The school library here is a safe space for LGBT pupils, staff and indeed everyone who visits here. There are always a variety of information books on offer if you have any questions about all matters LGBTQ+. And remember, you don’t have to be LGBTQ+ to read the fiction titles we have, they’re great stories and often really inspirational. Don’t forget Miss Cowie (English) runs the LGBTQ+ club too !
Tag Archives: Shelf Help
New library “well being corner”
The back of St Mungo’s library is a quiet study area.
Recently, a health and well being corner was added for pupils to colour, play chess, or complete a jigsaw puzzle. This relaxation space, available during stressful times like exam periods, is known as the Well Being corner. It features comfortable seating and a “mindful table” with activities such as a giant mindful colouring sheet with pencils, crossword books, word search books, and a jigsaw puzzle.
To boost pupils’ concentration, heighten awareness, broaden memory, and foster teamwork, the library offers a giant Sudoku. To assist pupils in expanding their vocabulary and improving word spelling, the library provides a Boggle game for everyone’s enjoyment.
Additionally, the library maintains a current “shelf help” collection, offering books on a wide range of mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and life pressures like bullying and exams.
Holyrood Library – Summer Term
Thank you Helpers!
Here’s a round up of some of the fun we’ve had in May/ June:
Most days start with a “Good Morning” on library Teams. We check in with each other and make sure everyone is having a good day.
We enjoyed fun quizzes for ‘Earth Day’, and ‘Oceans Day’, finding out which animals each of us resembles!
On Empathy Day we chatted about empathy and how we can look out for each other. We put up a book display of Self-help books, and recommended our favourite authors.
“I recommend self-help books because it does a lot of good for my mental health and self-esteem. I really like the author Fearne Cotton. She uses examples that I can relate to” (S3 Pupil)
We made a Book display for Euro 2021, and prepared books to give to our visiting P7 pupils.
Our Library Helpers have been fantastic, whether helping with book displays, activities, or just chilling out with friends,
Thank you so much to everyone who has borrowed books, helped out either in person or on library Teams or simply just been there for company. Thanks also to Laraib and Fiza our Duke of Edinburgh helpers. You have all been amazing!
Can’t wait to see everyone next year and have even more fun.
Bon Voyage!
Mental Health Awareness week and other resources.
Hi all! This week marks Mental Health Awareness week and, since our usual Shelf Help section in the library isn’t currently accessible to pupils, I wanted to draw your attention to the mental health and wellbeing resources that can be accessed via the eLibrary.
Now more than ever, it is vital for us all to look after ourselves mentally as well as physically. There are some great eBooks here that can help young people cope with the stresses, not only brought on by the current crisis, but also with those that come with every day life. If anyone still doesn’t have their Library Card number and PIN then email me at
On a separate note, if anyone finds themselves in a position where they are waiting to borrow an eBook but need to tide themselves over with something else, here are some other great sources for Audiobooks and eBooks out there for your enjoyment:
Happy reading/listening!
St. Andrew’s February Round-Up
February has seen a little ‘re-jigging’ of the library lay-out. We have moved our Shelf Help section to the front of the library, making it easier to spot and more accessible for young people and hopefully encourage them to reach out to our excellent selection of literature dealing with mental health issues and exam stress.
In its old spot, we have set up a ‘Gaming and Coding Corner’ which includes game guides, computer game-inspired fiction and various books on coding and programming. Not only will this provide a clear resource for those interested, it also gives yours truly a chance to discover more about what makes our young people tick with regards to games and coding. For this section, I got some of our lunchtime crew to pick out images of their favourite computer games characters to go on the wall.
This month also marks LGBT+ History month and we have set up a small display at the front of the library to mark this, complete with both fiction and non-fiction material covering LGBT themes. Its important that young people from all walks of life feel welcome in the library and that the diversity within the school is reflected as much as possible in the libraries’ resources.
March will most likely see a weekly, or bi-weekly, update as there will be a lot to cover! Next week we will be welcoming Neil Slorance and John Wagner to the library as part of the Wee Write! Festival as well as World Book Day on the 5th. Furthermore, Amnesty International’s Words That Burn poetry project will be kicking off in St. Andrew’s from the 11th!