Kicking off the New Year with some new senior fiction including the Booker Prize 2024 Winner – Orbital by Samantha Harvey. Available to borrow.

Booker Prize Winer 2024
Kicking off the New Year with some new senior fiction including the Booker Prize 2024 Winner – Orbital by Samantha Harvey. Available to borrow.
Booker Prize Winer 2024
In November, we celebrated Book Week Scotland at Lochend. The timing of a delivery of new books from our supplier was ideal, and the pupils were able to choose their books for Book Week Scotland from this amazing array of new titles on display.
A particular pupil favourite this month has been The Final Year by Matt Goodfellow, Told in verse form, it follows the main character, Nate, as he starts Secondary School, has difficulties with his friends and is devastated when his younger brother becomes seriously ill. If you want to find out how Nate deals with all these, grab a copy at your school or public library. Matt Goodfellow does it again, and our pupils (and their librarian !) are loving his book.
If that lovely book selection wasn’t good enough, there is such a choice of reading material at Lochend. The shelves of fiction titles seem to go on for miles, and with them being split into different genres, it makes choosing a book so much easier. Just look for the genre (style of book) that you like and the books are right next to the genre signs. Here’s the impressive shelves – they go on for ever !
Finally, there are loads more new books still to come at the end of November ! Just look at the boxes waiting to be processed and fly onto the shelves ! A new display will perhaps be coming for festive reads, but meanwhile just imagine what brilliant reading will be added to the stock. Come to the school library and see what you can pick up, there are books to suit everyone.
What’s in the box?
We’ve had an exciting time at Lochend. First of all, we’ve had lots of new books come into the library. I wonder what could be in that box??? Been a bit of a reading drought in the summer? Come in to the library and see what new books are here. it’s always great to see a delivery of books on the library table !
New Feature – Click for the link
In our blog posts now, if you click on any underlined text, you’ll be taken to some exciting new internet content. This could be for a book review or even an author’s page. So there’s lots more for you to find out in the blog this year.
S1 Induction Time
It’s great to see all the new S1 pupils come into the library for the first time this month. Everyone has now been given their library cards and can borrow books for the first time. Remember, the library is free and you can borrow books for 2 weeks, or longer if you need more time to read the books you have. Stuck for an idea what to read? Why not check out our display of new books? This table is where you find a selection of new books covering all subjects.
New books to borrow
On the new releases table, you can find the following books. As a sneak peak, click on the links and you will be able to read all about them ! If you want a book, just ask the librarian who will be happy to reserve one for you.
A brilliant celebration of all the amazing women to come out of Scotland. You’ll find women from history, Olympians, footballers and so many more great figures to surprise and inspire you to be the best version of yourself.
Definitely the creepiest of the new books, and a great read to set you up for Halloween in October ! It’s not ghosts and ghouls, it’s even scarier than that. Ruby and her best friend have discovered a new AI tool which helps them get great grades at school. But is that just too good to be true? Read this Super Short story and find out….
Matt Goodfellow has done it again with this book, he simply gets better and better. Nathan is struggling at school, and trying his best to keep the few friends he has. But what if your best friend starts doing things they shouldn’t really be doing? And it’s serious. Combined with trouble at home, the Final Year is a great read and one you can identify with concerning your first year at a new school.
Author of the Month – Tom Palmer
Our first author of the month for this term is Tom Palmer. Tom writes amazing books on football, the Second World War and many other things. His books are in our Super Shorts section, which means they are a great read with not so many pages. Also they have yellow pages which means pupils with dyslexia challenges can read the words with more ease. But everyone can borrow these books and they are amazing reads