Tag Archives: FMRC

Create a story with Dekkocomics

Hello readers,

Last January, our school was successful in receiving a great economical support from the First Minister’s Reading Challenge – Creative Workshop Fund. Yey!

This has made our wish – to boost our pupils’ creative writing confidence – true! As in the best stories, there have been some issues; once on top of everything a massive national lockdown!

No worries though, our team was extremely committed to offer the best to our learners… Several phone calls and Teams meeting after, we were able to arrange four (yes, F-O-U-R!) sessions with Rossie Stone from Dekkocomics!

Yesterday we had our second session and we have seen our pupils’ engagement grew massively! Rossie has inspired us to always do our best, and that an easy way to do it is to find the enjoyable side of what we are doing. Our pupils felt confident enough to write and draw their own beautiful stories! To give you and idea, these are some of the stories we have had: a football team playing in the Ibrox stadium, a young person learning the importance of rules, and a young dancer following her dream.

What’s next?

We still have two more sessions to go, and we really hope that at least one of them will be in person. And then… Our wonderful pupils’ stories will be pulled together and printed in a book for them to take home!

So far, we couldn’t be any prouder of our young people for the resilience they shown undertaking a series of online webinars. We also want to express our deep gratitude to all the school staff who has been involved and to the Fist Minister’s Reading Challenge for giving us this opportunity.

Hopefully, we will be able to share more about this project later on!