Tag Archives: celebration

Happy empathy day!

On the 6th of June, we celebrated Empathy Day in St Mungo’s school library with great enthusiasm. Pupils worked together to create a remarkable Empathy Display, featuring their colorful artwork and thoughtful messages that highlighted the importance of empathy.
As part of the celebration, pupils made Emotion Maps, which creatively depicted various feelings and experiences. This activity encouraged self-expression and fostered a deeper understanding among peers.
In the library, pupils also hid character bookmarks throughout the shelves, inviting others to discover and share new stories. Each bookmark was a hidden gem, promoting conversations and connections among readers.
Additionally, we introduced an Empathy Bookshelf, filled with books that inspire empathy and kindness. This special collection now serves as a resource for pupils seeking to explore stories that open hearts and minds.
Empathy Day was a successful event that emphasized the power of empathy in building connections and understanding within our school community.

November: Book week Scotland celebration at St Mungo’s library

We had an incredible time in our school library during Book Week Scotland last November! The week was jam-packed with thrilling activities that got the pupils buzzing with excitement.

Our talented library helpers put together a fantastic display showcasing this year’s theme: Advendure. The display takes readers on exciting journeys across different countries and fictional universes. It captivated the imaginations of visitors and inspired them to embark on their own literary adventures.

The S1 classes had a blast with the “Wally scavenger hunt” right in the library. With curiosity buzzing in the air, students eagerly searched high and low, putting their observation skills to the test. The thrill of finding Wally hiding among the shelves and uncovering hidden treasures sparked pure joy and excitement. It was a truly unforgettable experience that left everyone buzzing with enthusiasm.




But wait, there’s more! We hosted a sensational book giveaway all week long, and guess what? The books were absolutely free! That’s right, you read it correctly – FREE books for everyone to grab and devour! Pupils really went all out and cleared the table completely!



It was such a delight to witness so many books finding new homes.

This year’s Book Week Scotland was an absolute blast! Cheers to all those pupils who wholeheartedly embraced this celebration in so many wonderful ways. May their passion for reading continue to grow as they embark on countless literary adventures ahead!