We are finally getting round to up
dating this again as we finally have much to talk about again!
Since we started back, the library has been operating a little differently: We are only open during lunchtime, can only allow 15 in at a time for study and 2 in at a time for borrowing/dropping off, you must try and avoid touching books if you do not intend to take it away with you and all returned books must now be quarantined for 72 hours. *breathes*
Now, enough of what you CAN’T do. What CAN you do?As with lock down, we are still encouraging everyone to make use of the eLibrary apps. Your iPads can come in handy for this as they can be used to download apps such as Borrowbox (books/audiobooks), Libby (books/audiobooks), RB Digital (Magazines) and Freegal (music). Again, just contact me via email if you require your card number and/or PIN –
gw19mcgregormark@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.ukOur click and collect service is also up and running and we have had a few takers so far but we would like to see more!
Dotted around the school, are some posters which include a QR code. The code will take you to a form and in just four simple questions, you can request your book and collect it the next day (or lunchtime on the same day if before 12pm). I appreciate not
everyone has a QR code function on their iPad/device, so you can alternatively follow this link, or just email me your order.

There have been changes to some of our book displays. As we are trying to minimise contact with the books, we have put handy descriptions beside them helping you to get some kind of idea what the books are about. We will be rotating these every once in a while.
We are also hoping to get our class boxes out to you ASAP but we are still waiting on said boxes being delivered!
For September, we are hoping to get the Manga Club back up and running. I am currently in discussions with a few young people about a lunchtime club since an after-school one is no longer possible.
If anyone has any thoughts/requests/problems then feel free to drop me an email. Equally, contrary to popular belief, my door is always open if anyone wants to come and talk in person. I will be here at the usual times Tuesday to Friday.