JPA Library – October Update

Hello again from the John Paul Academy Library!

In October, we were delighted to receive our prize from the Penguin Books Lit In Colour Book Giveaway!  The library has received an incredible donation of over 100 books written by authors of colour to help diversify our collection and inspire our pupils and staff.  These books are now on display in the library and available for our staff and pupils to borrow.  Pupils have already started borrowing some of the YA fiction, and Michelle Obama’s biography has been incredibly popular! 

Our comic club have been talking about all their favourite graphic novels and manga, and have made posters to advertise their favourites to the rest of the school.  Here’s one for Hilda and the Troll, which was bought for the library after our shopping session in September.  Since starting the club, our group has read over 20 books! 

Our S3 EAL Book Club has made some good progress with Project Cinderella.  We’ve finished the classic Perrault version that inspired the Disney animated classic, and moved on to ‘The Cat Cinderella’ by Giambattista Basile, considered to be the first written version of the story from Italy in 1634.  This one is very different from the famous Disney version, as Cinderella commits a terrible crime to start, and then is faced with not 2 but 6 stepsisters!  Our club members are definitely intrigued by the prospect of creating a villainous Cinderella story… [This project is supported by the Scottish Government School Library Improvement Fund].

In November we have Book Week Scotland to look forward to, which will involve displays, a ‘Wee Story’ competition, games and more!  For this and everything else coming in November, check out the latest edition of Bookmarked, our school library newsletter.

Happy reading from Miss West

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