The exciting life and whimsical times of Lourdes Secondary Library

Here begin the chronicles of the exciting life and whimsical times of Lourdes Secondary Library!

Opening hours are 8.30am to 4.30pm, from Wednesday to Friday. The library is closed at interval, but open at lunchtime from 1.20pm to 1.45pm. All pupils must have library passes to use the library at lunchtime. You can get a library pass before or after school on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. From February, the Role-Playing Games Club will meet fortnightly, on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

Pupils, school staff, and pupils’ families are welcome – nay, encouraged – to follow the library on social media. The Twitter account is @LibLourdes and the Instagram account is lourdeslibrary . The library mascot, Boba Felephant also shares his perspective about the school library’s happenings on Instagram here.




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