We made delicious smoothies with strawberry, banana, oranges, apples, pineapple and blueberries.
We are starting to set up our café!
RT – I saw baby piglets they were cute. They were drinking milk off of their mum. The farmer grows them to make them into pork.
TMc- I saw pigs. My favourite animals were the cows. The cows make milk. We turned the milk into butter.
KS – I saw a cat at the farm. The cat catches mice so the mice don’t eat the food.
MM – I learned about riding in a tractor. It went really slow and bumpy. Tractors can go where it is very grassy or muddy.
SN – I went on a tractor to see animals. I saw horses, cows, chickens, pigs and sheep.
Eastmuir Primary Sharing our learning.