Kenny from Shettleston Growers cam to help us. We planted strawberries from Wimbledon, onions, spring onions and lettuce. We put in new compost. We dug it in and broke up the lumps with a trowel or a rake. Kenny put netting over it so the birds won’t eat the plants.
DT- My best bit was making butter and shaking it. I tasted it in my mouth. It tasted nice. I was squeezing the playdoh in the museum to make it like butter.
CC- There were cows. I made butter. I shook it. I tasted it on crackers. It tasted good. It was better than in my house. It would go yucky if we took it home because it had no salt.
KN – I learned about animals. The farm had horses and pigs. I made some food. I got cream from the cow and made it into butter. I had to shake the tub fast.
SB – I learned about cows. The farmer grows lots of female cows because they make milk and baby cows. Male cows don’t make milk or calves. I saw 4 baby calves.