In this game participants take turns to agree or disagree on a topic based on the cards they pick.
- Player one picks a card. They make a statement about the topic. E.g. the topic is “Homework” the player needs to say something about it e.g. ‘ I don’t like homework because I find it boring.’
- Player two rolls the dice. If the number is even , they have to agree with the player one’s statement, and add a statement to support that argument e.g. ‘ I agree with you, moreover I think it takes too much of my free time.’
- If player two rolls an odd number, they need to disagree with the statement and back it up e.g. ‘ I can’t agree with you, I find homework very helpful as it allows me to practice what I’ve learned at school’
- Players continue to roll the dice to continue the game until one player runs out of ideas.
- The player who can’t find any more arguments, loses the round.
- Players pick a new topic card.
- The game is for up to four players.