Welcome to the Faculty of Learning and Development!

The LAD faculty comprises our Language and Communication Resource (LCR) and Support for Learning for the wider school.


The LCR provision is for young people placed by the Authority Inclusion Group, and offers a high level of support for young people with a range of additional support needs. Young people in the LCR have a key adult who will work with them to support their learning and social development throughout their time at DHS. They can access small classes with a high staff to pupil ratio, and quiet spaces at social times.

Support for Learning

The LAD faculty also offers support for learners in the wider school. Our PT Literacy and support staff offer targeted reading support for learners with dyslexia and other barriers to learning. Support in classes and via small-group extraction allows young people to access curricular learning opportunities across the school.


We offer daily small Nurture classes for S1 and S2, to help young people develop self-esteem and social skills. These run from October to October each year. We also offer Family Nurture sessions throughout the year, 

Support for Assessment

The LAD faculty arranges and provides support for young people who are entitled to addition support in assessments, including SQA examinations.

Enhanced Transition

We are delighted to lead on enhanced transition for young people in our associated primaries who may need an extended or enhanced transition process when moving on to secondary school.

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