S2 Computing Science

S2 are timetabled one period per week for Computing Science. Pupils learn coding, programming and web design to help them learn the skills to progress to S3.  Below are a links that pupils can click on to work through some activities to help them during school closure.

Pupils will develop their design and creative skills through Animation. They will work, using a number of software packages, to create professional animations.
Pupils will continue to develop their understanding of how data is stored in a computer. In S2 Data Representation they will look at how numbers and text are stored in a computer.
Pupils will delve deeper into the internal structure of a computer, based on the Von Neumann diagram, and consider how the computer’s processor operates and how data is transferred around the computer.
Pupils will further develop the Web Design & Development skills by looking at how to use internal style sheets to give a consistent look to a website.
Pupils will use the Software Design & Development skills they developed in S1 to investigate how software is developed and will work on designing and developing small games using Scratch.