School House System

For a number of years our school has run a successful house system.  We have 6 houses, all named after Scottish inventors:

  • John Logie Baird
  • Alexander Fleming
  • Alexander Graham Bell
  • Lord Kelvin
  • Maria Gordon
  • James Watt

Every child and staff member is allocated a house and given a coloured badge to wear.

During our monthly house meetings the children work together in their house on a theme.  Past themes have included Hopes and Dreams for the Year Ahead, Road Safety, Safety in the Home, World Book Day, etc.

The children earn house points for showing our school values of Honesty, Respect, Responsibility, Kindness, Effort and Cooperation.  The points are totalled up by the House Captains every week, with an extra playtime for the weekly winning house. At the end of each term the winning house enjoys a special treat!