P5 Home Learning Grid Monday 08.06.20

Hi girls and boys! Here is this week’s home learning grid with lots of fun activities! Please let me know if you enjoy doing any particular tasks and if there are any activities that you would like more of. As always, please upload any photos or comments on Seesaw if you can about what you are up to this week.  Mrs McMillan and I love seeing and reading your posts!😊

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Letter to parents from Maureen McKenna

MMcK parents’ letter June_20 This letter outlines the latest plans for returning to school in August. For the latest information, please visit: https://glasgow.gov.uk/coronavirus (Scroll down to Schools and Learning)

BPS virtual assembly

Hello everyone, I hope you are all excited to watch BPS virtual assembly! We have had so much fun making it🤩. During this assembly we have showcased some of your amazing home learning and we have included special messages from everyone at Balornock 💞. We have activated comments on the YouTube link however these will only be enabled for one hour, so you have until 11am to post a comment about

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P5 Home Learning Grid w.c 01.06.20

Happy Monday P5, Here is this week’s home learning grid.  All of the activities on the grid are connected to Outdoor Learning! The weather is going to be very hot and sunny this week – please make sure that you put on high factor sun cream, drink lots of water and take some time out in the shade. Have fun! Mrs McDonald P5 Home Learning Grid – Outdoor Learning 01.06.20

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