Primary 3/2 Learning Log
We have had a very busy week this week in Primary 3/2. We have been learning how to tell the time using digital clocks.
We have been learning about Jewish weddings. We know that a Jewish bride is called a Kallah and a Jewish groom is called a Chatan. The Kallah and Chatan are married under a Chuppah.
We were introduced to a new topic – Pirates. We had to create a character profile describing what a character looks like.
We also learned how new reports are written. The title of a news report is called a headline.
Kamillah – ‘I enjoyed talking about pirates. I am excited about this new topic. ‘
Ella-Rose – ‘ I enjoyed using the clocks to set and tell the time with my partner. I have a digital clock on my microwave.’
Mark – ‘ I found drawing a pirate tricky. My teacher helped me.’