Wee Write!

On Friday, we went on a trip to the Mitchell Library to see famous author Barry Hutchison, who we know from his Beaky Malone series. He writes comedy and horror novels, and even let us in on his new series Spectre Collectors!

“It was funny when he wrote “you are a pig” on his sisters television” – Emily

“We were answering Mr. Ali’s maths questions on our way back because we are confident with our fractions” – Jamie

“Our trip was exciting and fun, especially when he was telling us all of his stories.” – Jasmine

“He told us what his favourite thing to do is and what his first book was.” – Chen Min

We have also been consolidating our fractions knowledge in maths and we have been looking at deforestation for our Rainforest Topic. We used our knowledge of deforestation in Art to create a before and after representation of deforestation as well.

We have had a great week 🙂

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