Term 3 adventures

Here’s a look at everything we got up to in Term 3.

We used lots of our own strategies for practising our maths and literacy skills. Here’s an example of us making a human calculator and a few other fun lessons.

our wonderful Imaginators finally had their performance. They were incredible

our main event of term 3 was of course our amazing trip to Lockerbie Manor!

And loads of other adventures in between

Term 4 Planner

Hi Primary 7

Here’s a look at everything we are getting up to over the course of Term 4, it’s a busy one!

I promise the photographs from Term 3 are coming, we just have so many the computer can’t keep up!

Term 4 planner

Please check our Class Teams for any further information

Miss Webster

Term 3 planner

Happy New Year everyone!

Here is a copy of Primary 7’s Term 3 planner.

Here you will get an idea of the kinds of things we will be learning before Easter- there’s lots of getting ready for Secondary School to do!

Term 3 planner

If you have any questions please feel free to call the office or email Miss Webster


P7 Term 2 2021

Hello parents and the rest of the world

We have had a fantastic, memorable and crazy busy term! We have so much to show and tell!

We have had lots of opportunities to work together this term. In P7, we believe that we are a team and that we should help other to work together and achieve greatness.

We also celebrated Halloween this term. Check out our excellent costumes!

In early November, St Albert’s hosted their annual Art Installation. P7 decided to focus on Forest Fires with their piece- ‘Our World Is Burning!’ It was amazingly successful

This term we have been working with Imaginate where we are working towards a performance at the Tramway at the end of February. Here is some of the work we have been creating so far:

We also went on a school protest to fight for climate change during COP26!

Some of us were lucky enough to go to Blairvadach residential centre during the last weekend of November. We had loads of fun climbing and getting soaked, it has made us to excited for our P7 residential trip in March!

We have been working with Mikey and his team at Holyrood to get us ready for Secondary School

We used our art skills to create a Nativity set for the infants to use as a backdrop for this year’s film

And finally, we have been celebrating Christmas with a trip to the Christmas Markets in St Enoch centre


We told you it was a busy term! We can’t wait to see what Term 3 has in store!

Welcome to P7’s blog!

Hello everyone

Welcome to the Primary 7 blog.

Here you will find all of our learning evidence and photographs from events.

If you require any information about upcoming events, trips, homework or whole school information, please see our Class Microsoft Teams!

Here is our Term 2 planner, which details all of the learning that will take place over the next 8 weeks.

Term 2 planner

If you have any questions or require more information please email me on:



Miss Webster

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