Monthly Archives: August 2020

Class Information

In P6/7, our teacher is Miss McCue.
On a Tuesday, Mrs Sheridan teaches us all day.

School starts at 9.00 and ends at 3.00. Playtime is from 10.30-10.45, lunch is from 12.00-12.30 and our afternoon play is from 1.45-2.00.

Our PE times are Wednesday 13.00-13.45 and Friday 13.00-13.45.

 We do a lot of outdoor learning so feel free to come to school wearing black leggings or black joggies with a purple or white T-shirt. Please bring a waterproof jacket and trousers if you have them. These are available from the school office. Please bring wellies to school if you have them too.  Indoor shoes can be kept in school.

Bring a large water bottle full of water to school every day as children are not allowed to visit the water fountain due to Covid-19 restrictions.

We enter and exit through the carpark at the back of the school every day, unless we have a younger sibling.  In this case, we enter and exit via their gate.



Our Texture Walk 🌿🍂

We had lots of fun on our texture walk in the sensory garden yesterday. For this lesson, we used our sense of touch to identify the textures of different materials in the sensory garden. Some of these materials were natural like tree trunks and some have been out there for us to enjoy like the story chair.

There were lots of different textures.  Some were rough, some were smooth, some were soft, some were spiky, some were hard, some felt crumbly, some were bumpy, some felt crunchy, some were gooey and others were powdery.

 We used our hands and feet to feel the different things.

Iqra was surprised that the moss was fluffy instead of crumbly. Hikmah was surprised that there were things that were powdery. Umar enjoyed stepping on the twigs and feeling them underneath his feet.