All posts by Dunnet

RERC art

Today we learned about making the sign of Peace at Church. The Priest says “Peace be with you” and the response is “With your Spirit”. People shake hands to offer the sign of Peace. We also spoke about other times where people shake hands and recognise that a white dove symbolises peace.


Hi everyone, I have had to reset all of the passwords today. I have printed off an A4 sheet for each pupil with the login details for glow/teams, Sumdog and bug club. If you are changing your password please write it on the A4 sheet and keep it safe. I cannot see the passwords once they have been changed.

thanks for your patience with all of the ict changes.


Mrs Dunnet

New obstacle course challenge

We have been building up our cardio and coordination in gym by competing in obstacle courses. Today the obstacles course was made more challenging with a new layout and extra obstacles.

Everyone worked really well in their team and cheered each other on. Both teams won a round each which means everyone gets points!


What is a friend?

Today for our PATHS lesson we spoke about friendship. We reflected on what qualities make a good friend and then we drew our friends.

We decided that a friend :

  • is helpful
  • is kind
  • is generous
  • is someone who has a smiley face
  • is funny
  • plays with you
  • helps you when you fall
  • helps you to make new friends
  • has short or long hair
  • has different coloured eyes or hair to you
  • wears colourful clothes