Hello P5 / 21st April 2020

Hello boys and girls,

Welcome back to P5’s blog after the Easter break. I hope you and your families are all well and rested. I can’t believe that it is now term 4. Unfortunately we can’t be back at school yet but we can stay in touch through our class blog. I would love to hear about your activities over Easter. Why not send me some photos that I can post on the blog or make a comment so that you can stay in touch with your class mates.

You and your parents can contact me on my email address-


Maths-  Don’t foget you can keep up with your maths work by signing into Sumdog.

Also BBC Bitesize have daily lessons you can follow on lots of different subjects-


The Maths lesson today is about addition and subtraction and has fun videos you can watch and some practise activities for you to do.

Word search- Why not have-a-go at the St Albert’s staff word search.


Missing you all,

Mrs Hughes

Good afternoon P5 / 3rd April 2020

Hello boys and girls,

It’s the end of TERM 3! I  would love to have spent what would have been our last school day before our Easter holiday break doing something fun together.  In order to stay safe we have to stay at home but  we can still  relax and do things we enjoy with our family.

Here are a few things to help keep you busy-


Try these number word problems


A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but has a different meaning and may differ in spelling.

Circle the correct homophone to complete these sentences.

  1. We are not allowed/aloud to talk during assembly.
  2. ‘Please welcome our most esteemed guest/guessed,’ announced Mrs Harker as the famous sportsman entered the assembly hall.
  3. I wish I could eat my favourite serial/cereal every morning but mum says it is too sweet.
  4. After learning about rattlesnakes and scorpions, I am in no hurry to visit a desert/dessert.
  5. As the heard/herd of wilderbeast grazed, a solitary lioness crept up on the weakest member.
  6. I decided to make my father/farther breakfast-in bed for his birthday.

I won’t be posting on the blog over the Easter holidays so remind your parents to add St Alberts on Facebook and twitter which will let them keep in touch with other families and the teachers.


Mrs Hughes

Good morning P5 / 2nd April 2020

Hello boys and girls,

I’m really missing you all and hope you are following the class blog. Lots of different celebrities have put together classes to help your learning at this time. See below for some ideas to do-


Put words in alphabetical order-

Remember to leave a comment and let me know what you would like to see on your class blog.


Mrs Hughes

Good afternoo P5 / 1st April 2020

Hello boys and girls,

It is April Fool’s Day!  On April Fool’s Day (April 1), people often play practical jokes on other people.  I have attached a word search below that you might like to complete.

Words to find-

childish    first     fool       funny      mischief       pretend

hoax      playful    joke      spontaneous      prank     trick


Here is a number ordering challenge for you to try-

Chilli Challenge – CLICK HERE

Take care

Mrs Hughes

Good afternoon P5 / 31st March 2020

Hello boys and girls,

Happy Tuesday! It’s another sunny day so why not get some fresh air. I started power walking yesterday as well as doing the Joe Wicks workout to make sure I stay fit. Let me know how you are staying active.

Literacy- Film literacy

Watch this short film

Focus on colour, music and movement.

Can you tell if the house is happy or sad.How do you know?

Be the illustrator. Draw a time in the film when the characters are:








Enjoy your day and leave a comment if you watched the film.


Take care

Mrs Hughes


Good morning P5 / 30th March 2020

Hello boys and girl,

I hope you had a lovely weekend and managed to go outside for a short time and play in the beautiful sunshine.

Keep following Joe Wick’s daily workout on youtube or try the PE challenge below-

Before school broke-up the class made up a fantastic rap based on the song Dance Monkey by Tones and I. Perhaps you might like to pick another one of your favourite songs and make up your own rap. You could post it on the blog and share it with the class.

Remember hand washing, social-distancing and staying at home will save lives.

Missing you all so much,

Mrs Hughes


Good afternoon P5 / 25th March 2020

Hello boys and girls,

I hope you and your families are all well. How are you feeling about not coming to school because of the coronavirus?  Why not make a comment on the class blog and let me know what you are doing to keep busy. I am trying to remain as active as possible by power walking once a day and following the Joe Wicks workout. It’s really tough but worth doing.

Are you remembering to do something from your home learning pack everyday? Try to do things that you enjoy and read a book that interests you.  During our class writing lessons you created different characters and settings. Perhaps you could write a short story about losing  your freedom to go to school and do what you want because of the coronavirus.

If you do anything that you want me to see or have any questions you can email me at-


I am really missing seeing your lovely smiling faces every morning.

Mrs Hughes

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