P2/3’s Daily Diary – Day 11

It’s been so long since we’ve had a daily diary so today’s question is a simple one.

Question of the Day:

How are you all?

I am missing you all like crazy! I can’t wait to see you all!!
Miss Milne 🙂

6 thoughts on “P2/3’s Daily Diary – Day 11”

  1. “ I am really great. I do sometimes feel sad because we’re not allowed to hug or go beside some people I love. But when Coronavirus is over my mummy is going to take us to long on to see my favourite cousins.” Aila

    1. Hi Aila,
      I know it can feel sad sometimes but one did it will all be over and you can hug all the family and friends you have missed! A trip to London to see your cousins sounds fantastic.
      I look forward to my Aila hug ☺️
      Miss Milne 🙂

  2. Miss Milne I feel happy sometimes and sad as I miss school so much and wish I can just go out and enjoy and have a barbecue I hope Coronavirus ends soon so we all can have fun I miss all my family and friends 😔

    1. Hi Eshaal,
      I know it can feel sad sometimes and that’s okay to feel that way. Just think about when this is all over you will be out enjoying BBQs and playing with your friends again and that will be a fantastic feeling. For now, when you feel a bit sad, give that gorgeous sister of yours a big squishy cuddle ☺️
      Miss Milne 🙂

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