P2/3 Daily Diary – Day 4


I have had a very busy afternoon learning how to make art videos for the infants YouTube page. Today I was showing everyone how to make their own paint. It was a lot of fun.

Question of the day:Β 

What is your favourite colour and what do you love about it?Β 

Making my own paint inspired our question today. I can’t wait to hear your answers.

Miss Milne πŸ™‚




9 thoughts on “P2/3 Daily Diary – Day 4”

  1. My favourite colour is turquoise because it is really nice, I like to put it in my rainbow pictures and it can be a nice colour for a dress.

  2. Everyone in Class 2 will tell you that my favourite colour is yellow! I love it because it is so bright πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you for your comment Miss Hewitt! I love the colour yellow too, it reminds me of summer πŸ™‚

      Miss Milne πŸ™‚

  3. My favourite colour is Red because it’s shows love, and I like to draw pictures and colour them red and I also have dresses and hair clips red ❀️

    1. What a great description of why you love the colour red Eshaal. I like that it shows love too.
      Miss Milne πŸ™‚

    1. Hi Alisha,

      It’s great to hear from you! What a lovely favourite colour and I like that it reminds you of candy floss πŸ˜‹

      Miss Milne πŸ™‚

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