I think it would be great if today everyone could practise their sounds. I would like you to try and think of a word for each sound you practise today and then draw a picture for that sound. If you really want a challenge you can try to write a sentence using the word. Remember your capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.
To help you with sounds you are struggling with you can use this YouTube channel:
Remember you can use Sumdog to practise what we have been learning in maths. Sumdog now also has areas for reading and spelling which you can now use! If you have forgotten your log in send me a message and I will send it to you.
Try to do some exercise each day. That can be going for a walk or by using a YouTube video like:
Or the Joe Wicks daily workout.
The story today is by someone we know and miss lots in P1, so i hope you all enjoy it:
Thank You
Mr Forshaw
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