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Homework: W.B. 3rd September

Hi all,

Please complete the following in your homework jotters, and return for Thursday at the latest.

Your spelling words for the week are;

posy, biceps, hollow, swollen, shield, receive, tragic, inaccurate, generally and spaghetti.

Your Numeracy problems, based on this week’s focus of revising multiplication and division facts, are:

Multiplication and Division Word Problems

1a) A bag holds 90 cherries. Gemma has 13 bags of cherries. How many does she have?


1b) She decides to share them between her 3 friends. How many will they get each?


2a) Amy scores 3 goals every game. She plays in 28 games for the season. How many goals has she scored altogether?

_____ goals

2b) Ash scores 2 goals every game. How many goals do Amy and Ash score altogether?

____ goals

3) There are 70 stickers on a sheet. A teacher buys 24 sheets of stickers. How many stickers will there be?

_____ stickers

4) A shop has 660 cans of cola to place on a shelf. Each shelf can have 60 cans in each row. How many rows will I need to put all the cans on the shelf?

_____ cans

5) A ribbon is 99m long. I cut it into smaller pieces measuring 11m. How many pieces of ribbon do I now have?

_____ pieces


Have a great week,

Miss Cohen

Our first week as Primary 7s

Hi everyone, and welcome to Primary 7’s class blog!

We use this space to keep a record of all of the fantastic work we do throughout the school year. We would LOVE for you; parents, pupils and teachers, to comment on our blog post and make any suggestions about what you would like to see and feature in this shared space.

Thank you!

Miss Cohen and Primary 7

First week activities:

We played team building games that challenged us to work together, and problem solve! We had to build the highest, freestanding tower using marshmallows and spaghetti. We thought about how buildings and structures were made – considering weight and balance.

Β The A04 model!

Then, how to construct the longest model!

We went outside to take part in some traditional races!

Amina declared herself as the Selfie Master, so we let her put it to the test! A much better attempt than Miss Cohen ha!

What we are looking forward to this year:

I’m excited to learn more, especially in R.E. – Dilya

I’m really looking forward to our class Leavers trip! – Sakeena

I’m excited to go swimming – Maidah

I’m excited to learn challenging Maths this year – Ryan B

I am really looking forward to Lockerbie Manor. I absolutely loved Blairvaddach and having breakfast with friends – Saad Khan

I’d like to go to the Science Centre on one of our trips – Tanzeel