Homework W.B. 8th October

During this morning’s assembly, Mrs Martin and Mr Stewart showed you the following video;

This week, our school focus is ‘Being Active’. How does playing sport benefit your body (physical) and brain (mental)? Summarize your findings from the video in a few bullet points.

Are you part of a team? Have you experienced any of the benefits suggested in the video? Write a blurb about your personal sporting triumphs.

If you have a tablet/smartphone – try listening to the following podcast on Spotify, OverCast or Castbox (all free applications you can download straight onto your device)

Deliciously Ella – The science behind why exercise is good for your body and your mind, with Dr. Brendan Stubbs.

It is very informative about the above theme. Record and comment on facts and statistics you learn throughout the listening experience about the benefits of physical exercise on your mental well-being!

21 thoughts on “Homework W.B. 8th October

    1.Want a burst of happiness and relaxation? Get involved in a physical activity.
    2.Whether you are playing sports, working out at a gym, or taking a brisk walk, physical activity triggers brain chemicals that make you feel happier and more relaxed.
    3.Regular physical activity helps keep your key mental skills sharp as you age. This includes critical thinking, learning, and using good judgment.
    4.Participating in this kind of activity three to five times a week for at least 30 minutes can provide these mental health benefits.
    5.When you are physically active, your mind is distracted from daily stressors.
    6.This can help you avoid getting bogged down by negative thoughts. Exercise reduces the levels of stress hormones in your body.
    7. At the same time, it stimulates production of endorphins. These are natural mood lifters that can keep stress and depression at bay.
    8.Endorphins may even leave you feeling more relaxed and optimistic after a hard workout.
    9.Sports can benefit children in many of the same ways that they benefit adults.


  2. Hi Miss Cohen, here is my homework,

    How does playing sport benefit your body?
    -It has good benefits when you are young like strengthening bones.
    – clearing bad cholesterol from your arteries which will lower your risk of stroke and high blood pressure.
    – Joining sports clubs at school shows that it reduces risk of depression up to 4 years

    How does playing sport benefit your mental health?
    -It sharpens your focus.
    -It strength your memory.
    -It improves your mood.
    -It boosts your confidence and self esteem, there are some reasons for this, if you keep and keep on trying you would say I can’t do it YET, you will build resilience and start to become more social with other people, you will experience of coming to terms with defeat

    Are you part of a team?
    Have you experienced any of the benefits suggested in the video?
    Yes, I found that it gives me a habit of exercising, I built lots more confidence, discovered new meanings for friendship, and not to forget the benefits of having fun while playing sports.


  3. The benefits of being active
    1. Excerise helps you get stronger muscles and bones.
    2. Excerising helps your heart to pump stronger making your blood run faster so that helps your lungs to get stronger so they can inhale more oxygen.
    3. If you be more active your brain’s concentration enhances and removes toxic chemicals like endorphins also being active helps with your memory as well.
    4. By being active a human being will think more positively and less negativity.
    5. Excerising helps you to keep motived to lose but try again and you mite get it right.
    6. Helps to get keep you healthy by decreasing bad cholesterol from your arteries and lowering the chances of having diabetes.
    7. It decreases the risk of stroke and high blood pressure.
    8. By doing more sports you will achieve psychology benefits ( Team work, Trusting people more, except help and helping others, work together to achieve a common goals.






  5. why excercise?

    well it is well accepted that excercise is good for us

    excercising especially when we are young has all sorts of health benafits

    it also clears out bad cholesterol

    also strokes

    and high blood presure

    plus daiabieties

    it realeses a number of chemicals

    excercise improves your cocertration,mood and memory

    joining a team would benafit you alot

    it can reduse the you from getting depresion up to 4 years

    it can improve your self esteem

    if you train yourself and you cant do it you will say “i cant do it today i will maybe do it tomorrow” that is called growth mindset

    a big thing is when you learn from failure

    not all sports will fit you but try to find one {i like swimming}


  6. 1. Exercising is good for our mind and brain.
    2.when exercising especially when your young gives you a lot of benefits like strengthening your bones , clearing out bad cholesterol out of your arteries and decreasing the risk of high blood pressure or diabetes .
    3. Our brain releases a number of chemicals when we work out.
    4. If you can find a sport or team you like study shows lots of benefits that go beyond physical and mental of exercise as alone.
    5.Comittment to a team and doing something fun can also make it easier to establish your habitat of exercise.
    6.School sport participation has also shown to reduce the risk of suffering from depression for up to 4 years.
    7. Your self esteem and confidence can get a big boost.

  7. 1. Exercise is good for your physical and mental health , it strengthens your bones and it lowers your cholesterol and decreases the risk of stroke , blood pressure and diabetes. Our brain also releases a number of chemicals while we work out including endorphins, these natural hormones control pain and pleasure responses in the central nerve system , it can lead to a feeling of euphoria it’s also called a runners high. It increased endorphins inconsistent physical activity in general can sharpen your focus and can improve your mood and memorie . Some of the most significant or physiological benefits in both the short and long term . It can reduce depression for over 4 years it’s helps your confidence and self esteem get a big boost . Science says if you keep training you reinforce to a growth mindset within your self.

    2. Last year me and Abeera used to play hockey and cricket and I saw an improvement I my catching skills. Also today we did the Illinois test and the Cooper test , last time for the Illinois test I had got 30.04sec and this time I got 75.08sec and and on the Cooper test I got 10 Laps around the pitch .

    I hope I did well on my homework πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

  8. Why exercise:

    * exercising is good for your fitness

    *it not only good for your fitness because it’s good for your mind too

    *exercising also helps you when you grow up especially if you play sports when you are young.

    *exercising helps you when you grow up because it strengthens your bones, it also clears out bad cholesterol/lower cholesterol.

    *working out decreases the risk of stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes.

    *Our brain also releases a number of chemicals when we workout including Endorphins.

  9. 1. Exercising especially when young gives you a lot of benefits like strengthening your bones, clearing out bad cholesterol out of your arteries and decreasing the risk of high blood pressure or
    2. Our brain releases a number of chemicals when you workout.
    3. If you can find a sport or team you like study shows lots of benefits that go beyond physical and mental benefits of exercise as alone.
    4. Commitment to a team and doing something fun can also make it easier to establish your habit of exercise.
    5. School sport participation has also shown to reduce the risk of suffering from depression for up to 4 years.
    6. Your self-esteem and confidence can get a big boost.

  10. Why exersize,it can make you feel calm ,can sharpen your focus and have better memory also it can decrease the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes.

  11. 1 Exercising in a young age can give you helpfull benefits like stronger bones and I deceasing the chances of high blood pressure
    2 playing physical games can get you a lot more use too doing exercise
    3 our brain produces a good amount of chemicals when you exercise

  12. 1.It is well accepted that exercise is good for ur mind and body.
    2. exersising at a young age has all sorts of benefits such as;
    β–ͺ️ Strengthening our bones
    β–ͺ️ Lower cholesterol
    β–ͺ️ Decreasing the risk of stroke
    β–ͺ️Risk of high blood pressure
    β–ͺ️ Risk of diabetes
    β–ͺ️While doing exercise our brains release a chemical called Endorphins

  13. * Playing sports is good for you especially when you are young because it strengthens our bones, clears out the bad cholesterol from our arteries, lowers our risk of stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes.

    * When we exercise we release chemicals and when we release these chemicals we have sharper focus and it improves our mood and memory.

    * When you are training for game you start building a growth mindset because if you can’t do something yet, you don’t say I can’t do this, you start thinking I can’t do this yet but I’ll be able to do this later.

  14. Why exercise,
    1.Exercising is good for our body and mind.

    2.Exercising when we are young can strengthen our bones.

    3.Exercising can reduse the risk of stroke and high blood presure and diabetes and many more.

    4.our brain releases a number of chemicals when we work out.

    5.your self-esteem and confidence can get a big boost

    6.Exercising is good for your fitness level too.

  15. Exercise decreases the risk of stroke,high blood pressure and diabetes.According to scientists exercise especially when we are young Strengthens our bones clearing out bad cholesterol’s from our arteries.our brains released a number of chemicals like endorphins.Increased endorphins and consistent physical activity sharpens focus and improves your mood and memory.Just by working at skills with a good coach you reinforce a growth mindset.

  16. 1 Exercising releases happy vibes and makes you feel good
    2 Excercising lessens the chances of you being obese or having diseases like diabetes,high blood pressure etc
    3 Excercising means that you will be physically and mentally fit and active
    4 If you exercise your self esteem and confidence will have a major boost
    5 Excercising reduces the chances of you getting depression
    C ya
    I might be late for school lol

  17. Why doing exercise is good?
    1. Lower cholesterol
    2. Makes our bones strong
    3. Improves mood memory
    4. Helps you focus
    Why being in a team is good?
    1. Helps you trust people
    2. Builds up resilience
    3. It will build up skill but only if you have a good coach
    4. Builds up self esteem
    5. It helps you work with other people
    6. It builds up confidence
    What did I learn in deliciously Ella?
    1. More cells will be forming
    2. Cells regenerate
    3. Exercise helps stress and anxiety
    4. Exercise is good for people with metal health problems
    5. Good food ,hygiene,sleep and exercise is good for your body

  18. 1.
    Prerimeter = 22cm
    Area = 30.25cmsquared
    Perimeter = 18.6m
    Area = 19.8msquared
    Perimeter = 18km
    Area = 20.25kmsquared

  19. Should we be so obsessed with sports???
    First of all it’s well accepted that exercise is good for our body and minds.
    Exercising especially when we are young has all sorts of health benefits, like strengthening our bonds and muscles, clearing out bad cholesterol’s from our arteries and decreasing the risk of stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes our brains also release a number of chemicals when we work out including endorphins.
    Increased endorphins and consisten physical activity in general can sharpen your focus and improve your mood as memory.
    It also builds up you confidence!!!
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