Outdoor Learning Research Homework

Following today’s input on creating a site for a fire 🔥 (which you did amazingly well at prepping and assembling), Miss Bull and I would like you to do some research about campfire food that we could prep and make during next week’s session. Here’s some useful info you’ll need to be mindful of when researching;

Building a fire-1

  • We will have 1hr to make/heat the food.
  • We have 28 pupils in our class, plus two adults.
  • We have bamboo skewers for holding food over campfire, and can provide tin foil and cooking utensils for mixing (I.e. spatula, fish slice).
  • Your budget for all ingredients will be £1 per head

Happy researching! Remember – deadline for submissions will be this Friday!



7 thoughts on “Outdoor Learning Research Homework

  1. Spaghetti
    It takes 20 minutes to make heat the water up, once it’s simmering add enough spaghetti to feed up your crew
    We need 4 pounds of spaghetti for 30 people and you can get it at Sainsbury’s 60p per 500g

    1. You can make soil it would take under 1 hour to make, you would need about 10,080g of soup and it’s about 40p per 400g and you would have to buy about 26 tins which would cost about £10.40

  2. Hi Miss Cohen ,
    for the campfire we could do corn on the cob and marshmallows
    The ingredients you need is:
    corn on the cob = £10.50
    salted butter =£1.49
    marshmallows =£2.20
    It is £14.19 altogether.
    By Tanzeel.

  3. Hi Miss Cohen,
    for the campfire we could have corn on the cob and marshmallows.
    The ingredients are:
    4 pk corn on the cob is £1.50 x 8 = £12.00
    1 tub of Asda’s salted is £1.49
    marshmallow is £1.10 x 2 =£2.20
    It is £15.69 altogether at Asda.
    It will take about 15 mins to cook.
    By Tanzeel.

  4. Scottish writers Elizabeth Melville (poet) 25.02.19

    Elizabeth Melville is Scotland’s 7th most famous poet.In 1603 she became the earliest known Scottish woman writer to see her work in print ,when the Edinburgh publisher Robert Charteris issued the first edition of Ane Goldie Dreame ,a calvinistdream- vision poem.There are 12 letters’11 of them holographs.Melville was an active member of the presbyterian resistance to the ecclesiastical policies of both James VI and Charles I. Elizabeth Melville died at the age of 58.

    Byye : ) : )

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