Salwa gives us the “DL” on her Lockerbie experience;

Well…today I’m going to talk about Lockerbie Manor and my experience there. It was an annoying start but I slowly calmed down.

The first day wasn’t that bad. The only thing I hated was we were changing rooms like half the time. We were doing rock climbing and low ropes. The dinner was SO good! The first night was awesome. Me, Zara, Amna, Shubbe and Nashra had a party. I will never forget that night. Well…it was hard to sleep with some noisy radiators on!!

Well, the second day was EXHAUSTING! Why did we have to do so many water activities first!? (The first activity was canoeing). Me, Shubbe and Nashra were on a canoe and then, suddenly, me and Nashra started arguing until Shubbe screamed, “SHUT UP, OR I’LL CAP-SIZE BOTH OF YOUS!”. We obediently shut our mouths for the rest of that time. Oh no, not that game! First things first, WHY DID WE HAVE TO JUMP ON THE CANOE!? Ugh, I hated that game. Half of the time, I had to shout “I’M A SAUSAGE ROLL!”. Three times, so embarrassing!! Moving on…I loved kayaking! I hated how I got so wet. I liked cowboys and aliens, the game. I was an alien though, but a friendly one. I didn’t catch anyone. I was happy when I turned into a cowboy. Paddle boarding…one of the wettest ones. The only three moves we could do were standing, kneeling or lying down on our stomachs. You need one thing – balance. Next, was shooting. It felt like the guns hated me. In total, I only got one point. I suggested to myself – you’re never doing that again! The last session…an evening walk. That was scary AND muddy. Even though we saw some stars but still. I HAD NO TORCH. My torch didn’t work, it was broken so I was left in the dark. Once we got changed, we went to the “games room”. I don’t know how they can call that a games room – it was really boring!!

The third day was pretty good. We did archery and abseiling. In archery, I got 30 points in total. I didn’t like abseiling though. When we were leaving, we did a quick photo. The bus ride was terrible! I couldn’t even close my eyes but the view was nice. Also, our last lunch was roast HEAVEN!

When the bus reached its destination, I saw my Mum and I gave her a big, big hug. Then I said, “Next time, I’m going to drag you on the bus and you’re going to come!” Also, if we had another chance to go, I DEFINITELY WOULD!

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