Amna’s awesome account…


Me and most of my class went to Lockerbie Manor. We went with Ibrox Primary and has been working with them for our topic: Sense over sectarianism.

The day had finally come: Friday 24th March 2017. We were finally in the bus and had started our journey. I was sitting next to Zara Malik and Miss Newall was sitting in front of us and the seat next to her was Mr Stewart’s. It was a one and a half hour journey. The whole way through we just thought about what we are going to do first and how it looks.


We reached a huge mansion/villa…A BIG LUXURIOUS BROWN HOUSE! It was amazing!! The first activity we did was get into our rooms and groups. I was with Miss Newall and Hamza, Callum, Mubeen, Yahya, Nasheen, Morgan, Aiden, Charlie, Caris, Arman and Miss Kennedy – 13 of us. Our first activity was paddle boarding in the freezing, icy cold lake. I was so nervous! And scared! I got on standing and slowly kneeled down. It was not so scary but then I heard a scream – Morgan had fallen into the water! Then I slowly, slowly started to paddle pretending like I never heard it.

We then went to our rooms and had to move rooms because there was an extra boy in one room. So we swapped rooms. We had a bit of free time, then it was dinner, and more free time. We went outside and the land was enormous with seriously bright green grass. So we played some football. I scored a goal and so did Zara J

Break/free time was over so we got into our groups for our last activity of the day. We went rock climbing and all of us went. I climbed about half way or a bit more. When I got down it was pretty dark so we got our torches out and Mr Stewart started talking about a ghost.


The next morning we woke up and the sun was shining on our faces. We had a Scottish breakfast. I had potato scones and some beans on toast!

Our first activities were kayaking and canoeing. I wasn’t so excited, as you could tell. But then I heard that the groups were to be mixed up a bit and I cheered up. I got into the lake and it was freezing!! I was in a group with Zara. I got into the kayak first. We played a few games, people fell in, and I tried to stay calm. Then we had a break and went canoeing.

I must say, canoeing is much harder than kayaking! It was just me and Zara and it was freezing. We repeated the same thing we did on Friday.


We went abseiling. Yes, I went jumping down. Scared, but was fun.

We were on our way back from an amazing trip and we reached at our school and our parents had arrived to collect us. I loved Lockerbie Manor and would love to go back one day.

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