St Monans Primary School

Pupil Leadership Team

School Captain

“We give advice, share news, and give out certificates in assembly.”

“School captains have the responsibility to keep people safe, follow the rules and be a good role model.”

“Lunch duty is when you do jobs in the hall.”

“As a school captain, my job involves handing out certificates at assemblies and being a good role model to younger children.”


House Captain

“A house captain, is a leader for a house.”

“We count the house points throughout the school every week. And at assembly we tell the school what we have to improve on to get more house points.”

“As a house captain we organise lunch clubs, e.g football and I’m a leader of my table at lunch to encourage people in my house to have good manners, be safe in the lunch hall and show the school values.”

“As a house captain we sit at the end of the table for our house and have lunch with those in our house, after eating we take the pack lunch boxes back to classes and empty the milk tray. We also help Denise to get the dirty plates etc to the kitchen.”

“We always act as a good role model and be helpful around the school.”



“We fill in for a house captain if they are off sick or home lunch.”

“We help to set up the hall for assemblies.”

“Organise playground leader’s rota and do playground duty.”

“We encourage everyone to be safe, as a prefect we need to make sure everyone’s safe and follow the rules e.g walking in the corridors.”

“We are helpful around the school and act as role models.”


Peer Mediators

“Peer mediation is a way to solve problems that may start in class or the playground.”

“As a peer mediator, we help people who have had an argument or have upset each other. We help people sort out their problems and help them either become friends again or come to an agreement.”

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