St Monans Primary School

Parent Council

Parent Councils have an important role to play in school improvement by ensuring that the parental perspective is represented and taken into account.

The Parent Council helps to create an environment where all parents know that their views matter, and where they feel confident and comfortable putting them forward. They work on behalf of all parents to discuss educational matters that are of importance to all. They do not get involved in individual circumstances relating to children or staff in the school.

Graphic depicting role of parent councils as outlined in list below

The following people are the office bearers of our Parent Council at the present time:

Chairperson               Mrs Karen Bjork

Vice Chairperson       Vacancy

Secretary                 Vacancy

Treasurer                 Mrs Angela Robinson


The contact person for further parent council information is  – Mrs Karen Bjork

Address – c/o St Monans Primary School, Hope Place, St Monans, KY10 2DH

Telephone No – 01334 659441

e-mail –


Minutes of the last meeting:

Parent Council Minutes of Meeting 6th February 2024

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