St Monans Primary School

Welcome to St Monans Primary School and Nursery

Welcome to  St Monans Primary School and Nursery.

We hope you can find all the information you need about the school here. Remember we are also on Twitter, Facebook and the Parent Portal, which will also give you information.

The school fosters an Open Door Policy and parents are welcomed at every opportunity.

We fully recognise the importance of good partnerships with parents, we have also formed very strong links with our village community and work together on a number of projects. We have collaborated  this year to develop our school vision and values.

We offer an excellent transition programme with Waid Academy to which most of our pupils transfer at the end of Primary 7.

We are always pleased to meet with anyone who wishes to discuss any aspect of our school.

If you have any questions – please do not hesitate to get in touch

Mrs A McBain

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