Friends of St Marie’s is a parent /carers and teacher council. We work together to improve our school community. We are always welcoming new parents / carers to join us. We hold termly meetings were we discuss future plans for the school and share ideas how we can raise funds for the school and plan events for the children.
If you would like to join us at our next Friends of St Marie’s meeting place contact the school office for more information.
Friends of St. Marie’s Discos
The Friends of St . Marie’s hold 3 or 4 discos every year in the school hall after school. There are Easter, Halloween and Valentines discos. We also do discos to raise money for the school funds. At the Easter and Valentines discos you get to listen to the DJ , play games and get juice and snacks. You also get glow sticks and ice poles. The Halloween disco is the same but instead of wearing casual clothes you get to dress up as your favourite Halloween character. We are really looking forward to our next disco.