Each of the nursery rooms opens out to the nursery garden area which has different areas and is completely enclosed for safety.
We operate a ‘free flow’, ‘open door’ system in all weathers so that children are able to play outside whenever they choose. The children are encouraged to become independent in putting on or taking off the outdoor jackets, trousers and wellingtons. Please provide these for your child as we are unable to due to Covid 19 restrictions.
We have a wide range of quality outdoor play resources and equipment in the outdoor area as well as seating to allow children the choice of having their snack outside or inside. We have separated our garden into our room setting allowing the children to access the garden safely in their own cohorts.
We believe that the outdoor space is ‘half of the whole’ nursery learning environment and as such you will see staff observing the children at play, noting significant learning and skilfully planning how the interest shown can be taken forward.