To check if your address falls into the Southwood Primary School catchment, Click here.
Scottish councils usually divide towns and country areas into catchments and children living in a catchment area will usually go to the same local school.
All homes in Fife have a catchment area for each of their local schools and you can check this by using the post code search above. The search will bring back both non-denominational and denominational(faith) primary and secondary schools. There is a link underneath to each of the schools’ websites, where you can find more information and their contact details.
Further information on all schools in Scotland, including independent schools can be found by visiting The Scottish Government website.
A guide for parents on choosing a school and the placing request system is available online from The Scottish Government. The guide is also provided in other community languages.
For locations close to catchment boundaries, information on consultations or any other catchment related enquiries please contact us using the details below.