Rosslyn Broad and General Education
The learner is at the centre of our curriculum and we have designed it around 7 key principles. Learners will have the opportunity to develop in all areas of the curriculum with Literacy and English Language, Numeracy and Maths and Health and Wellbeing being the main focus. We ensure that experiences and outcomes are progressive, motivating and engaging for our learners; taking into consideration the interests, abilities and needs of our learners.
Each term teachers will plan for
Literacy and English
Numeracy and Maths,
Health and Wellbeing
Expressive Arts
IDL – focussing on 1 or 2 subjects from RME, Science, Social Subjects and Technology
Learners from S1-S3 are entitled to a broad general education as well as opportunities to participate in activities in preparation for making SQA choices and starting Personal Achievement Awards.
At Rosslyn personalisation and choice, relevance and enjoyment are the drivers for our curriculum design. All learners have a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) which identify SMART targets for individual learners. These targets influence timetables and planning, meeting the needs of each learner in a class.
More information of our Broad and General Education can be found in our Curriculum Rationale.
Link to Rosslyn Curriculum Rationale and Strategy Guidelines