Peanut butter!

Today we made bird boxes and it was hilarious! It was the best success ever! Every time we tried to put a nail in it, it split the wood so we had to put on a new patch of wood and that split lots as well!



But eventually we got it to work and we called it peanut butter. What I learned was that even though it split about 10 times I was gutted the first time it split but when we decided to get it finished and it was the most tedious thing to do in the world but in the end it was so funny! We couldn’t stop laughing and it weighed three times as much as the normal bird boxes! Because of so much wood and nails that we had on the bird boxes so we had no more pieces of wood. And we all got a souvenir from peanut butter the best bird box in the world ever!

3 thoughts on “Peanut butter!”

  1. Hi,
    Sounds like you deserve an award for keen trying!
    Hopefully your bird box will be really strong and not blow away in the wind.
    Well done.

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