The tragic story of Francis and Mary.

Today we went up kindrogen hill. It was really steep most of the way up. There was a grave yard just after the start, there was a grave that had two names on it. One of the names was called France’s Balfour and her sister was called Mary Balfour; Lizzy (our tutor) told us a story about Mary and how she fell in love with the game keeper but her dad found out and told him to leave so he did but he lived in a cave about hour and a half away from kindrogen and Mary still went to he him secretly but her dad found out so he tried to shoot him but Mary jumped in front of him and her dad shot her.

When we got back we made bird boxes. That’s all from me. Day 4. It’s been another great day!!

2 thoughts on “The tragic story of Francis and Mary.”

  1. Erin what about the games keeper hanging him self ?
    Also what about the maid told the cook and the cook told the butler who told the Bull of Balford her DAD!

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