Category Archives: Bootcamp

Dylan’s bio poem


Who is Risk taker and lazy

Who is  Son of  Colin and Ruth and brother of  Taylor

Who Love motorbikes and football

Who plays fair

Who need a new frame for my we the people

Who is afraid of rats

Who like to help and share

Who would like to see less pollution

Who lives in a semi attached house in Scotland


Kelsea’s Bio Poem


Lazy, long tempered, tall, risky

Daughter of Linda step daughter of Malcolm

Cat lover , horse lover, music lover

Who needs a bit of peace and quiet

Who fears mice, spiders and heights

Who gives friendship and love for horses

Who would like to visit Turkey

Who lives in an  equestrian center


Bio poem Rebecca



Daughter of Vikkie,daughter of Alex.

Twin sister of Allana.

Lover of activities,animals,other things.

Who feels playful,caring,happy.

Who needs peace,privacy,swimming lessons.

Who fears some highs,spiders,high school.

Who gives honesty,kindness,love for animals.

Who would like to fly.

Who live in a terrace house.



Bryonys bio poem


I am short tempered, lazy, nice (sometimes.)

The daughter of Kayti and Kev.

I love gymnastics, horse riding, my phone, my i pad.

I need phone, Facebook, Kelsea and Rhianna.

I fear murderers , spiders, churches and Oliver.

Who gives laughter and cheek.

Who lives in a flat in kinglassie.




Josh’s bio poem


Risk taker,greedy,lazy and challenger

Son Becki and Steve

Lover of rugby and swimming

Who is always playful and happy

Who needs TV and Xbox

Who fears high school and scary animals

Who gives friendship and happiness

Who would like to see every movie

Who lives in Bellway,Fife,Scotland




Brainy   silly    funny

Brother of   Kai  Son of  Sandra 

Lover of   T.V.

Who  needs  Confidence  and   peace

Fears heights  and death and  high school 

Hobbies are animals and  Minecraft

Who dreams  of helping others 

Who lives in a cottage in kinglassie fife


Rhianna’s bio poem


annoying, crazy ,weird

Daughter of Gillian and Thomas

Sister of  Sophie, Amanda, Blake, Karen, Kaitlynn, Nico, Peter, Declan

Lover of gymnastics and boxing

Who likes peace sometimes

Who fears of spiders

Who loves cats and dogs

Who live in Kinglssie Fife Scotland

Yura’s Bio Poem


clever,food choosy and lazy

son of  Olesya and stepdad Darrin

Lover of Xbox,Outside and football

Who feels joyful,entertained and happy

who needs family and friends

who fears scary animals and heights

who gives love and appreciation

who would love a great future

who lives in a Bellway house in kinglassie




Oliver’s Bio Poem


Dumb, kind sometimes, specific and lazy, funny

Son of Theresa Connelly and John Naylor

Lover of boxing and football and lots more

Who feels love for animals cuddly thing and sweets

Who needs peace to play his Xbox 360

Who fears dangerous men and dangerous animals

Who gives love to  my dog cat and family

Who would likes to see his friends and family happy

Who lives in a semi detached house in king lassie fife Scotland



Logan’s Bio Poem


smart, kind and enthusiastic

Son of kristina-marie and barrie stepson of susan

Lover of martial arts and sports

Who feels happy and has a growth mindset

Who needs their own room and some peace

Who fears of nothing

Who gives love, respect and honesty

Who would like to travel the world

Who lives in a house in kinglassie Scotland
