Category Archives: Bootcamp

Erins bio poem


Smart, risk taker and lazy

Daughter of Tracey stepdaughter of Neil

Lover of  reading, writing stories and minecraft

Who feels happy, cheeky and short fused

Who needs space, peace and quiet and a  xbox

Who fears spiders

Who gives sweets and love for snakes

Who lives in Kinglassie

Who would like to go to france or paris


Cerys Bio Poem


Nice, kind, sweet and caring.

Daughter of Leanne and Colin and big sister of Kelsie.

Who loves swimming, art, animal and friends.

Who feels happy, playful and no temper.

Who has a fear of spiders, sharks, highs and

loosing friends.

Who try’s  to help, share and have a laugh.

Who couldn’t live without water, stars, friends and family.

Who lives in Bellway, Fife in Scotland





Morgans Biographical Poem


Clever,straightforward,fearless and short tempered

Son of Gillian and Ivor Ridley brother of Danny

Lover of football,assault courses ,running and music

Who feels happy,funny and competitive

Who needs to play football and hace holidays

Who fears Scottish country dancing

Who gives 100% when playing football

Who would like to be a professional footballer when I grow up

Who lives in a semi detached house in kinglassie Scotland







Leonei’s bio poem


Smart, Athletic, Cheeky and Helpful

Daughter of Vikki stepdaughter of Jamie

Lover of Books, math,Art,Thai boxing and Friendship

Who feels  Happy, joyful and hyper

Who needs peace to read books

Who fears spiders and going to high school

who gives love for any animal cute or not

Who would like for everybody in the world to get along

Who live in Bellway, Fife, Scotland





Loyal, risk taker, creative, lazy.

Daughter of Vikki Robbins and Alex Mason.

Lover of horses, mud, climbing trees, Aston Merrigold, family, twin sister.

Who feels happy, generous, intelligent.

Who needs some piece and quiet some times.

Who fears her family ever getting hurt.

Who helps out, loves cute animals.

Who would like to be a marine biologist

Who lives in a stair house in fife scotland