Author: Miss Stevenson

Friday 27th September 2024

This week, we have been working in a pair to research one natural disaster. We had the choice of droughts, wildfires or floods and we have been investigating their link to climate change as part of Climate Action Week. We will present our findings to our class mates next week.

We have started our entries for the BBC 500 Word challenge and there have been lots of interesting ideas on display. We will review and edit next week before we submit our entries. We have also been writing Imagery Poetry that we will share at our Harvest Service.

In Numeracy, we have been developing our problem solving skills and playing Numeracy games as part of Maths Week Scotland. We have also been working on our calculations involving decimals and some have been exploring significant figures.

In Art, we have been creating our Christmas card designs, ready to be sent to the publishers. We have been focusing on line and shape in our designs.

We have been developing our skills in Ukulele and changing chords.

In P.E, we have been continuing to improve our skills in working with others in team sports, including Cricket and Basketball.

We enjoyed exploring our natural environment with our buddies and creating habitats for small creatures that live there, as part of our outdoor learning.

In French, we have been writing about ourselves, and revising numbers.

We had our second round of Committees today and we are developing our leadership skills.

Friday 20th September

It has been lovely to see lots of the sun this week and we have enjoyed learning outdoors with our buddies. We helped to tidy up our planters ready to be planted again. We enjoyed reading with our buddies too.

We have developed our skills in cricket this week and have worked well with others, thinking about our tactics in teams.

In our writing this week, we have researched inspirational figures and have written detailed information about their lives and why they inspire us, focusing on the challenges they have faced in their lives.

We have been learning more about metaphors and similes and created our own poetry based on the sea filled with figurative language.

In Numeracy, we have continued to develop our skills in working with whole numbers, including BODMAS.

We have worked in groups to create earthquake proof structures and have tested them to see if they survive a table top earthquake. This has helped develop our skills in working with others and in problem solving. We have also created leaflets to share safety tips to help before, during and after an earthquake.

In Drama, we have worked with well with others to share our ideas and presented unscripted drama based on our class novel.

Today, we met with our Committees for the first time and started to put our plans into action as leaders of learning.

Friday 13th September


We have been developing our spelling and comprehension skills in literacy and using our learning about similes and metaphors to write poems about the sea. In our personal writing this week, we have been writing about our greatest achievements, focusing on using our senses to describe.

In our Maths and Numeracy learning, we have been working together to look at different statements linked to probability and aim to prove them correct or incorrect. We have continued to work with whole numbers in our calculations, using the 4 operations.

We have continued to enjoy our class novel Kensuke’s Kingdom and we used this as a stimulus in drama again this week.

We have been exploring earthquakes in our natural disaster topic and have carried out some research and developed our note-taking skills. We have worked with others to design an earthquake proof building using different materials.  We created images of the Burj Khalifa in our artwork as an example of a building that has been designed to withstand an earthquake.

We have looked at the characteristics of a successful learner and worked together to rank the characteristics in order of importance.

In P.E, we have continued to develop our basketball skills.

In French, we are developing our skills in presenting and writing information about ourselves.

We have continued to create and learn more about electrical circuits in Science.

Friday 6th September

This week, we found out who our P7 House Captains are. Congratulations to all who were selected and well done to all who put themselves forward for the vote.

We have been exploring the idea behind positive talk we can use to help us promote a growth mindset and over come any challenges we may face.

In P.E, we have continued to develop our skills in basketball and in team games, thinking about our strategies.

In Literacy, we have been developing our understanding of the difference between similes and metaphors. We have written interesting pieces of writing about ‘Our Happy Place’, focusing on the use of description, including our senses.

We are continuing to enjoy our class novel and have considered  the thoughts of the main character, Michael, after he is washed up on an island. We used these ideas in our Drama work too. In our topic work, we have looked at the impact and causes of volcanic eruptions and tsunamis.

We enjoyed exploring the playground with our buddies and identifying different leaves their trees.

In Numeracy, we have been developing our skills in calculations involving whole numbers. We have been using trial and error in our problem solving.

We enjoyed playing ukulele again this week and have consolidated some learning from the past and it is new for others.

In French, we have been developing skills in reading, writing and talking about ourselves in French.

We have been creating electrical circuits in Science.

Friday 30th August

This week, we have been developing our skills with whole numbers and place value. We have applied our trial and error skills in problem solving.

In Literacy, we have continued to enjoy reading our class novel, Kensuke’s Kingdom and have been sharing our opinions on the text. We have also carried our a predictor challenge based on our new reading books. In Writing, we have started our learning on writing personal recounts and this week we have written about ‘A day we will never forget’, focusing on the choice of vocabulary we use to engage the reader as we share our feelings.

We have developed our ideas further around our rights linked to our class charter and the Wellbeing Indicators. In P.E, we have been developing our skills in strategic thinking in different team games.

We worked well together in Loose Parts to complete a team challenge and also used them for free play.

We have been developing our note taking and research skills in our Natural Disasters topic. We have used ICT to display our findings.

In Art, we have discussed the work of Hokusai and The Great Wave and used mixed materials to create our own interpretation.

We are working on our presenting skills in drama and being confident to share our ideas to an audience.

We enjoyed exploring the outdoors with our Buddies and helping them to choose a reading book for pleasure.

In Science, we have begun exploring electrical circuits.

Friday 23rd August 2024

We have had a great first 3 days in P7! We have enjoyed learning a bit more about each other and exploring our new classroom. Everyone has settled back in well and is working hard.

Our topic for this Term is Natural Disasters and we have begun by sharing what we know and thinking about what we would like to know more about. We have developed note taking skills from what we have watched.

We have begun reading our class novel linked to Natural Disasters, called Kensuke’s Kingdom. In groups, we completed a Cooperative Learning task to create an island and it needed to have everything on it we needed to survive. We then created laws for all citizens to abide by. This has helped us to think about our rights linked to the Rights of the Child and from this we created our class charter that we have all agreed to.

Each member of the class has signed up to a Pupil Committee that we will help to lead. We have all written House Captain statements that will be shared and voted on by the rest of the school.

In P.E, we enjoyed developing our ball skills in team games. We have also worked well together in Drama to create short scenes based on the islands we have created. In writing, we wrote letters from our shipwrecked island, focusing on description using our senses.

We have recapped on our times tables and developed our problem solving skills in Numeracy.

We enjoyed designing Hoodies that represent what makes each of us unique.

Today, we enjoyed completing the daily mile with our P1 Buddies.