This week, we found out who our P7 House Captains are. Congratulations to all who were selected and well done to all who put themselves forward for the vote.
We have been exploring the idea behind positive talk we can use to help us promote a growth mindset and over come any challenges we may face.
In P.E, we have continued to develop our skills in basketball and in team games, thinking about our strategies.
In Literacy, we have been developing our understanding of the difference between similes and metaphors. We have written interesting pieces of writing about ‘Our Happy Place’, focusing on the use of description, including our senses.
We are continuing to enjoy our class novel and have considered the thoughts of the main character, Michael, after he is washed up on an island. We used these ideas in our Drama work too. In our topic work, we have looked at the impact and causes of volcanic eruptions and tsunamis.
We enjoyed exploring the playground with our buddies and identifying different leaves their trees.
In Numeracy, we have been developing our skills in calculations involving whole numbers. We have been using trial and error in our problem solving.
We enjoyed playing ukulele again this week and have consolidated some learning from the past and it is new for others.
In French, we have been developing skills in reading, writing and talking about ourselves in French.
We have been creating electrical circuits in Science.