Friday 24th November 2023

Well done to our Basketball team – Harry, Eiliyah, Miya, Orlagh and Isabella – who performed so well at the Madras Active Schools event on Monday evening. They came 3rd place overall and played very well against the 7 other schools.

Our JRSOs have shared information about keeping safe on the roads to all classes, as part of Road Safety Week.

We had a visit from the Councillor Jonny Tepp on Tuesday afternoon to discuss his role in NE Fife. This helped to develop our understanding further as part of our learning about Democracy.

In our topic, we have worked well in our Political Parties to develop our ideas for our manifestos. We have also now starting to create campaign materials, including posters and rosettes. This was a design task for our learning in Art this week. We enjoyed having lots of family members in helping us with this on Wednesday morning. We have also allocated roles in our groups as we prepare to present to the rest of the school (the electorate).

In writing, we have been writing letters to our local MP/MSP about what we would like to see change locally or nationally, thinking about persuasive writing techniques and how to write a formal letter.

In Numeracy, we have been applying our understanding of the 4 operations within money, including budgeting, profit and loss and discount.

This week in P.E, we have started to develop some skills in Handball and have finished our fitness block of learning. We will now review to check if we have improved our scores from week 1 to week 4.

In French, we have been learning about French for school subjects and can discuss our likes and dislikes. We have started to create our own ideal timetable in French, based on a Madras timetable.

With our buddies, we explored the types of leaves we have in our playground and used an ID guide to identify which tree they came from. We also used the leaves to create rubbings on.

In Drama, we used loose parts to create short scenes, focusing on character development.

Today, we met again with our Committees from pupils across the school.


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