Friday 3rd November

We enjoyed a visit from MSP Willie Rennie this week as part our Democracy topic. We asked him lots of questions about his role and we now have a better understanding of what a MSP does. We also began to explore the main political parties in the U.K and we presented our findings to the rest of the class.

We visited the DCA this week, to view a series of short films. This has prompted lots of good discussion in class and we have used our visit to explore facts and opinions. All of the films explored kindness and we discussed this in relation to our school values.

In Writing this week. we have written information reports using notes we have made and we have a good understanding of the correct layout. We enjoyed reading to our buddies this week.

In Numeracy, we have been developing our skills in multiplying and dividing decimals.

In P.E, we have been developing our skills in football and fitness.

This week in Art, we have been exploring 1 point perspective and created spooky images with a focus on line and detail.

We have been developing our French writing skills and have written about our hobbies.

In Science, we have started to explore the inside of the human body.

Finally in Drama, we are developing character roles.


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