Friday 6th October

We can’t quite believe it is the end of Term 1 already and what a busy term it has been!

P7s have helped host the Harvest service today and also shared some learning about Harvest facts from countries we have travelled to as part of our ‘Race Across the World’. We have concluded our topic, with all teams successfully making it to China within budget. We have learned lots on the way about different countries, we have improved our understanding of the world and we have develop our skills in working with others. Each group shared their learning to the rest of the class.

We have also been presenting in pairs this week about people who inspire us, their personal skills and qualities and how it links to our own skills and ambitions. We have give peer assessment to help develop our presentation skills further.

In writing, we have continued to develop our 500 word stories to submit to the BBC 500 word competition. We have given feedback to each other on our imaginative stories and edited them accordingly.

In Numeracy, we have continued to explore BODMAS, word problems and revised our learning from Term 1.

We have continued to develop our ball skills through team games this week in P.E.

In HWB, we have explored Article 31 and the Right to Play and Relax. We also discussed the Wellbeing Indicators.

We hope everyone has a lovely holiday.

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