Friday 29th September

This week we have been working hard both in school and at home.

We have enjoyed participating in the BBC 500 Word story writing competition, lots of imaginative and original ideas. We will submit our entries next week, once we have edited and given some peer feedback.

In pairs, we have been working on talks to present to the class on inspirational figures. We will share these next week.

In Numeracy, most have been developing their skills in BODMAS and using the correct order of operations.

We have almost reached our final destination of China in our Race Across the World and all groups are using their budgets well and making good decisions. We have carried out research to compare Scotland to China and chose how to present our information.

We have enjoyed singing the songs for the Harvest Service as part of our learning in Music this week.

In Drama, we used the loose parts within our improvisations.

We have worked well in our committees again on Friday, with all members of P7 leading their group with a different focus in each.

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