Friday 22nd September

P7 are delighted at the success of our cake and candy stall at the school fair. We made just under £400 and we are very grateful for the donations we received to sell, alongside the tray bakes we made. Thank you to everyone.

This week we met again in our Pupil Committees and P7s are leading these Committees, after creating plans for each at the start of the week.

In P.E, we have further developed our skills in basketball and using our team effectively.

We explored the characteristics of a successful learner and looked at the iceberg illusion to show what success can look like to others.

On Thursday, we had a STEM workshop with Fife College and we learned about renewable energy and how to use hydrogen power to give energy to car. We enjoyed testing the cars out.

We have developed our skills in written and mental subtraction this week and also in a problem solving challenge. We have been using Sumdog too.

We enjoyed working with our buddies in the outdoors to identify similarities and differences in our playground.

In writing, we researched well known people who we find inspirational. We wrote personal accounts about why they inspire us.

We are continuing to Race Across the World and we have made it to Istanbul, we are now working in teams to get to Kazakhstan, before we embark on the final leg to China. We have been learning about the countries on route, working well in our teams and using our budgets.

We enjoyed designing our Christmas Cards this week that will be sent away to be printed.

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