Friday 15th September

This week we have been busy organising our stall for the school Summer Fair. We chose to host the cake and candy stall and on Monday we picked tray bakes we would like to make in groups. We had to calculate how much our ingredients would cost and how much we could sell them for. On Thursday, we made our tray bakes in groups and had to work well together to be organised with our time and ingredients, also to tidy up after ourselves! We all had lots of fun and the tray bakes look great. We are looking forward to hosting the stall on Saturday. Lots of us are making cakes at home as a contribution too.

In our writing this week, we considered our hopes and dreams for the future and wrote in detail about what we think might happen in 10-15 years.

In Maths this week, we worked in pairs to calculate the chance of different events in dice games. In Numeracy, we have been working on our subtraction strategies.

We have explored positive and negative coping strategies in our Health and Wellbeing. In P.E, we have taken our basketball skills into games, thinking about positions.

We enjoyed working with our buddies to create outdoor habitats for living things in our playground as we work towards our John Muir Award. We have also started reading a story with our buddies weekly and they will share these books at home with their special adults.

In our Race Across the World topic, we have travelled from London to Munich via Paris and are now embarking on our most difficult leg yet; Munich to Istanbul. We have been working well in groups using real train and bus timetables, calculating distances, working out our budget and planning our travel from one country to another to reach the check point first. We are learning about landmarks, foods and culture along the route.

Today, we have started committees and each of us will help to lead one of the 5 pupil committees in school to develop our leadership skills.

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