Friday 8th September

We have enjoyed completing the first part of our Race Across the World as we competed in groups to get from Newport P.S to the London Eye using public transport. We had to work out which bus or train to catch using timetables, calculate the costs of tickets and try to get there as fast as we could. We also identified landmarks along the route and identified a hotel to stay in for a night in London. We will complete the next part next week. In art, we used mixed materials to create a London Skyline.

With our buddies, we explored our school grounds and all of the features it contains. We created maps of the grounds. We have also helped to conserve our school grounds this week by working in teams to collect litter that had gathered. This is all part of our work towards the John Muir Award.

In Writing this week, we have written about our ‘Happy Place’. We used lots of descriptive language, similes, and used our senses to engage the reader.

We have discussed our reading books in groups, with all members taking on a role. We have also created character profiles using information from our books.

In Numeracy, we have been developing our addition skills and using different strategies.

We enjoyed playing with the loose parts in groups today and working together.

In Music, we have continued to developed our Ukulele skills.

We have explored barriers to learning in Health and what the possible solutions might be. We have also been developing our skills in basketball.


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