It has been lovely to see lots of the sun this week and we have enjoyed learning outdoors with our buddies. We helped to tidy up our planters ready to be planted again. We enjoyed reading with our buddies too.
We have developed our skills in cricket this week and have worked well with others, thinking about our tactics in teams.
In our writing this week, we have researched inspirational figures and have written detailed information about their lives and why they inspire us, focusing on the challenges they have faced in their lives.
We have been learning more about metaphors and similes and created our own poetry based on the sea filled with figurative language.
In Numeracy, we have continued to develop our skills in working with whole numbers, including BODMAS.
We have worked in groups to create earthquake proof structures and have tested them to see if they survive a table top earthquake. This has helped develop our skills in working with others and in problem solving. We have also created leaflets to share safety tips to help before, during and after an earthquake.
In Drama, we have worked with well with others to share our ideas and presented unscripted drama based on our class novel.
Today, we met with our Committees for the first time and started to put our plans into action as leaders of learning.