Friday 7th June

This week, we have been preparing for our transition days to Madras next week.

Today, our House Captains helped to organise a House Athletics Event with running and throwing competitions.

We also had a visit from HMS Unicorn to share about the history of the ship and some interesting artefacts, this was a prize won by Isabella for winning first place in the art competition they held recently.

We have taken part in an art competition for Newport and Wormit in Bloom, and have created artwork of insect loving plants.

We are continuing to work on our Leavers’ show that we will perform in the final week of term.

In P.E, we have rehearsed for Sports Day and held a House Competition in our class for football and rounders.

We are enjoying our class novel for Madras and have completed our information report based on refugees. We have also developed our comprehension skills.

In Numeracy and Maths, we have been developing our understanding of finding the area of triangles and composite shapes.

We are preparing presentations to share in class after our Madras visits to share our highlights of our time at Newport P.S and our targets for High School.

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